Winning Government Tenders
Winning Government Tenders
Government agencies and organisations - from the military forces to schools, local councils to hospitals, tax departments to legislative councils - are responsible for buying around 25% of all goods and services sold in Australia. The actual dollar amount is huge and ever- increasing. However, very often the processes that vendors and service providors are required to go through to secure government contracts can be complex and daunting. In many cases the race does not go to the swift (who may swiftly give up on the red tape) but the dogged, and as a result the pool of suppliers to the government is much less than it should be. Many, many Australian businesses are completely missing out on huge potential sales from the biggest customer of them all: the government. Winning Government Contracts takes the mystery out of the tendering processes that the government favours and shows how any business with suitable products or services can successfully bid for government contracts. The information in the book will also help any business improve its tendering capabilities, whether tendering for government or private contracts.
About the Author
About the Author
<p>Maurice Downing is the founding director of Corfocus, a specialist consulting firm that works with companies to win government tenders. He has also served for many years on government TEPs (Tender Evaluation Panels), thus has the very rare knowledge and perspective that comes from having been on both sides of the fence</p><br>
Table of Content
Table of Content
<p>Preface: A Tender Awakening</p><br><br><ul><br> <li>Chapter 1: An Introduction</li><br> <li>Chapter 2: From Whence They Come - The Origins of the Tender Documents</li><br> <li>Chapter 3: Where Are You Now?</li><br> <li>Chapter 4: Getting Tender Ready</li><br> <li>Chapter 5: Battle Stations - Tenders Approaching</li><br> <li>Chapter 6: Writing a Tender That Wins Business</li><br> <li>Chapter 7: Surviving the Compliance Checks</li><br> <li>Chapter 8: Inside the Heads of the Tender Evaluation Panel</li><br> <li>Chapter 9: A Flys-Eye View on How They Make Decisions</li><br> <li>Chapter 10: The Fact Lady Sings - Finalising the Process</li><br> <li>Chapter 11: Hallelujah! - All Hail the Preferred Supplier</li><br> <li>Chapter 12: Leveraging Your Experience for the Future</li><br> <li>Chapter 13: The Upside-Down Tendering Book</li><br> <li>Chapter 14: What Now?</li><br></ul><br><br><p>Index</p><br><br><p>About the Author</p><br><br><p>Acknowledgements</p><br>
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