Eureka: Physiology, second edition 2/e
Eureka: Physiology, second edition 2/e
ISBN: 9781914961151
Eureka: Physiology 2e provides everything a student needs to succeed in the subject, prepare for their clinical placements and pass their exams. The book starts with a First principles chapter which clearly explains key concepts and the mechanisms of physiology. The subsequent systems-based chapters, including neuromuscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, endocrine, and gastrointestinal systems, describe the physiological processes which underpin normal function. The book concludes with a final Applied physiology chapter showing how the body responds to stress, exercise, high altitude and massive blood loss. Key features: an engaging and authoritative style - with everything you need in one place realistic clinical cases - these show how skilled clinicians work through a presentation, and put disease and biomedical principles into context extensive range of photographs - superb photos show clinical presentations and exactly how to demonstrate related clinical signs starter questions - stimulating questions and answers to test your knowledge and highlight the level of detail you need study boxes - these highlight tips, tricks and key learning points Featuring insightful clinical cases, extensive illustrations and photographs, self-assessment questions and answers, and a wealth of other learning tools, Eureka: Physiology 2e will equip you with the core knowledge and skills you need for your exams and clinical placements!
By Jake Mann, Contributions by David Marples
Release Date:
Pages: 312
Preface to the second edition; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations 1 First principles 2 Neuromuscular systems 3 Cardiovascular system and blood 4 Respiratory system 5 Renal system 6 Endocrine system and reproduction 7 Gastrointestinal system 8 Higher neural functions 9 Applied physiology 10 Self-assessment Index
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