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CSA Revision Notes for the MRCGP, fourth edition 4/e

CSA Revision Notes for the MRCGP, fourth edition 4/e


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CSA Revision Notes for the MRCGP is the ideal book to help you to revise and prepare for the CSA part of the MRCGP exam. The latest edition features new material on: Constipation in adults Cough Dupuytren's contracture Eating disorders Frailty assessment Gender dysphoria Gout Inguinal hernia Prediabetes Starting HRT Varicose veins Visual loss A standardised format is used throughout to help you to improve your: data gathering - a broad range of appropriate questions to ask the patient are provided and red flags are highlighted where appropriate interpersonal skills - each clinical problem is described using terms that you can use in your explanations to patients clinical management - tells you which examinations to consider, which investigations to order, and how to manage each clinical problem based on the latest guidelines and current best practice consultations - to help you practise, every clinical case features a realistic role play scenario.

About the Author

Table of Content

Preface to the fourth edition; About the authors; Acknowledgements; Preface to the first edition; Abbreviations Introduction to the CSA examination General practice consultation Healthy people: promoting health and preventing disease Genetics in primary care Care of acutely ill people Child health Care of older adults Women's health Men's health Sexual health and family planning Care and palliative care of people with cancer Mental health Cardiovascular Respiratory Gastrointestinal and renal ENT Ophthalmology Neurology Rheumatology and musculoskeletal Dermatology Endocrinology Drug and alcohol problems Appendices

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