Mental Health and Social Work
Mental Health and Social Work
ISBN: 9781853023026
Examining the theory and practice of work with people with mental health problems, this volume makes an appraisal of policy and organization, based on a discussion of the circumstances of this client group and of the different approaches to social work and social care practice. Topics discussed include: the perception of clients by social work organizations; the implementation of services; the impact of community care arrangements; the circumstances of clients who are ''hidden'' from social services; the ''mismatch'' clients' needs and provision offered; the issues of empowerment and assessment of risk, as well as with more ''public'' factors of resources and confidence in models of care; and the interaction between the various agencies involved with this client group.
Edited by Marion Ulas, Anne Connor
Release Date:
Pages: 248
1. Introduction and Overview, Anne Connor, independent consultant and Marion Ulas, University of Edinburgh. 2. Policy in to Practice: Creative Tension or Deadlock? 3. Community-Based Mental Health Services, Anne Connor. 4. Policy and Management of Social Work Services: The Mental Welfare Commission in the Context of Inspection, Christine E. McGregor, Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia. 5. Research Issues in Mental Health Social Work, Marion Ulas. 6. Social Workers as Mental Health Officers: Different Hats, Different Roles? Fiona Myers, University of Edinburgh. 7. Ethnicity and Mental Health, Suman Fernando, The Tizard Centre. 8. Depression in Old Age, Maureen O'Neill, Age Concern Scotland. 9. Maternal Depression in Child and Family Care: The Design, Development and Use of an Instrument for Research and Practice, Michael Sheppard, University of Plymouth. 10. Evaluation of Social Work Services for People with Mental Health Problems, Allyson McCollam, Scottish Development Centre for Mental Health Services and Julia White, freelance research consultant. 11. Service Users' Perspectives on Social Work Activities for People Experiencing Mental Health Problems, Julia White and Allyson McCollam. 12. Afterword, Jim Kiddie, Royal Edinburgh Hospital.
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