Alphabet Kids - From ADD to Zellweger Syndrome
Alphabet Kids - From ADD to Zellweger Syndrome
Robbie Woliver is a New York Times bestselling author and an award-winning journalist and editor who was a columnist for Newsday, senior editor at Village Voice's suburban edition, writer for The New York Times and editor-in-chief of the Long Island Press, where he also helmed the newspaper's award-winning series ""Our Children's Brains."" He is the author of several books: Wyoming & March, Bringing It All Back Home, Hoot!, Creation and If I Knew Then, which won the 2005 Independent Publisher Book Awards for ""Outstanding Book of the Year"" and ""Most Inspirational to Youth."" In 2009, he was the recipient of the Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism, and Alphabet Kids garnered him another Independent Publisher Book Award. He lives in New York with his wife, Marilyn, son, Cory, and daughter, Emma.
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Introduction. What You Need To Know. Warning. A. AAS: Aarskog Syndrome. ADHD: Attention-Deficit/Hyperacivity Disorder. AN: Anorexia Nervosa. APD: Auditory Processing Disorder. AS: Aarskog Syndrome. AS: Angelman Syndrome. AS: Asperger Syndrome. ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder. B. Binge-Eating Disorder. Bulimia Nervosa. C. CA: Childhood Agoraphobia. CAD: Childhood Adjustment Disorder. CAS: Childhood Apraxia of Speech. CBPD: Childhood Bipolar Disorder. CSS: Clumsy Child Syndrome. CD: Childhood Depression. CD: Conduct Disorder. CDCS: Cri Du Chat Syndrome. CDD: Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. CdLS: Cornelia De Lange Syndrome. CLS: Coffin-Lowry Syndrome. CMT: Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease. COS: Childhood Onset Schizophrenia. CS: Cockayne Syndrome. DGS: Developmental Gerstmann's Syndrome. DPD: Dependent Personality Disorder. DS: Down Syndrome. Dyscalculia. Dysgraphia. Dyslexia. Dystonia. E. ED: Eating Disorder. EDS Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. ERLD: Expressive-Receptive Language Disorder. F. FXS: Fragile X Syndrome. G. GAD: General Anxiety Disorder. H. HPD: Histrionic Personality Disorder. HS: Hyperlexia Syndrome. HTD: Hypothyroidism Disorder. L. LD: Learning Disability. LKS: Landau-Kleffner Syndrome. LNS: Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome. M. MCSS: Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Syndrome. MD: Muscular Dystrophy. MR: Mental Retardation. MSDD: Multisystem Developmental Disorder. N. NLD: Nonverbal Learning Disability. O. OCD: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. ODD: Oppositional Defiance Disorder. P. PAPD: Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder. PD: Panic Disorder. PD: Personality Disorder. PDD: Pervasive Developmental Disorder. PDD-NOS: Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified. Phobias. Pica. PKU: Phenylketonuria. PPD: Paranoid Personality Disorder. PWS: Prader-Willi Syndrome. R. RAD: Reactive Attachment Disorder. RS: Rett's Syndrome. S. SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD: Separation Anxiety Disorder. SID: Sensory Integration Disorder. SLD: Speech-Language Disorder. SLOS: Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome. SM: Selective Mutism. SMS: Smith-Magenis Syndrome. SPD: Schizoid Personality Disorder. SPLD: Semantic Pragmatic Language Disorder. STPD: Schizotypal Personality Disorder. T. TS: Tourette Syndrome. W. WD: Wilson's Disease. WS: Williams Syndrome. X. XXYS: Xxy Syndrome. Z. ZS: Zellweger Syndrome. Resources: General Resources. Autism Resources. Eating Disorder Resources. Learning Disability Resources. Index.
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