Can I tell you about Peanut Allergy?
Can I tell you about Peanut Allergy?
A guide for friends, family and professionals
ISBN: 9781849055932Meet Danny - a boy with a peanut allergy. He explains that peanut allergies can be very serious, but once you know how to manage them, they don't have to get in the way of living a fun and full life. Danny talks about what a peanut allergy is, what do to in an emergency, and how his friends and family can help him to live a nut free life. He also shares advice on coping with a peanut allergy on special occasions and trips away. This illustrated book is ideally suited for readers aged 7 and upwards, and will be an excellent way to increase awareness about peanut allergies, in the classroom or at home. It also includes clear, useful information for parents and professionals.
By Sharon Dempsey, Illustrated by Alice Blackstock
Release Date:
Pages: 56
Introduction.1. Introducing Danny who has nut allergy. 2. Understanding nut allergy and how my body reacts. 3. Dealing with aspects of nut allergy that make me feel worried. 4. Understanding anaphylaxis and my adrenaline pen. 5. Special occasions. 6. Food labelling. 7. Dealing with nut allergy at school. 8. Eating out. 9. Travelling with nut allergy. 10. Why it is important to tell my friends and teachers about nut allergy. 11. Further information about nut allergy. 12. Advice for friends on how to help me. 13. Advice on how to help me at school. 14. Advice for parents. 15. Advice on eating out and travelling. 16. What to do in an emergency. 17. Nut allergy facts and figures. 18. Additional notes. Recommend reading, websites and organisations.
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