Integrative Art Therapy and Depression: A Transformative Approach
Integrative Art Therapy and Depression: A Transformative Approach
ISBN: 9781849055772
Laying out a new integrative approach to the treatment of depression, this book looks at the biological, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions of clinical art therapy. Skov presents the theoretical foundation for a Jungian approach to art therapy and depression together with its clinical methodology and framework, outlining a procedure for working with people with mild to moderate depression. Integrative art therapy in clinical practice is introduced alongside case studies from the author's research and practice to show how transformative processes operate in the field between the conscious and the unconscious part of the psyche. Finally the author lays out her research methodology and discusses the possible implications of the integrative art therapy approach. This revolutionary approach, which places equal importance on both art therapy and psychology in the treatment of depression, will be a valuable resource for all art therapists and students working with clients and patients who suffer from depression. Psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors and other mental health professionals will also find it of interest.
By: Vibeke Skov,Arthur Robbins
Release Date:
Pages: 360
1. Jung´s epistemology in art therapy. 2. Depression as a sign. 3. Integrative art therapy. 4. Transforming depression through art therapy. 5. Integrative art therapy in clinical practice. 6. Integrative art therapy in self-development. 7. Jung´s typology in art therapy practise. 8. Jung´s typology as a research methodology. 9. The Freud Jung discussion and a new paradigm.
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