Supporting Traumatized Children and Teenagers
Supporting Traumatized Children and Teenagers
A Guide to Providing Understanding and Help
ISBN: 9781849050340Supporting Traumatized Children and Teenagers is an accessible, comprehensive book providing an overview of the impact of trauma on children and adolescents and how they can be supported following trauma.Trauma can result from a range of experiences from bullying to witnessing violence to living through war. This book explores the different reactions children may experience, and the impact trauma can have. Variables affecting the impact of trauma are explored such as different developmental stages, gender, the reactions of friends and parents, the child's personality, and their caring environment. Appropriate and effective ways of helping children after a traumatic event are outlined, and different types of therapy, such as group therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy, are discussed. The book offers case examples and practical tips throughout, and includes a chapter on how someone working with a traumatized child can help and look after themselves.This book will be invaluable to a range of professionals working with traumatized children including counsellors, child and family social workers and therapists, as well as others involved with traumatized children such as foster carers and teachers.
By Atle Dyregrov
Release Date:
Pages: 240
CONTENTS:Preface. 1. What is trauma? 2. Children's reactions during and after traumatic events. 3. Some important aspects of trauma. 4. Girls and boys - alike or different? 5. The significance of friends following a trauma. 6. What promotes risk and what protects? 7. Help for children following trauma. 8. Groups for children following trauma. 9. Post-traumatic therapy 10. Traumas and the school. 11. Being a helper. Conclusion. Appendix 1 Post-Traumatic Problems Help for Preschool and Early School-Age Children (4-7 years) Appendix 2 Post-Traumatic Problems Help for School-Age Children. Index.
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