Cranial Intelligence: A Practical Guide to Biodynamic Craniosacral Thera
Cranial Intelligence: A Practical Guide to Biodynamic Craniosacral Thera
ISBN: 9781848190283Ged Sumner is a practicing craniosacral therapist, and teaches craniosacral therapy and chi kung. He has also studied shiatsu, healing and attachment based psychoanalytical psychotherapy, and has a degree in chemistry. He is the director of Body Intelligence Training, which offers biodynamic craniosacral therapy practitioner courses in Europe, North America, Australasia and the Middle East (, and is also the director of Natural Movement GÇô Elemental Chi Kung (
By: Ged Sumner,Steve Haines
Release Date:
Pages: 320
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Foreword by Franklyn Sills.; 1. Relational Touch.; 2. The Midline.; 3. Resources and Overwhelm.; 4. Potency and Stillness.; 5. Whole Body Dynamics.; 6. Craniopelvic Resonance.; 7. Birth.; 8. Visceral Intelligence.; 9. Neural Matrix.; 10. The Facial Complex.; 11. Joints and Potency.; Appendix: Practice Development.