Complete ABA Curriculum for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum with a De
Complete ABA Curriculum for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum with a De
velopmental Age of 3-5 Years: A Step-by-Step Treatment Manual Including Supporting Materials for Teaching 140 Beginning Skills
By: Julie Knapp,Carolline Turnbull
Release Date:
Pages: 480
Acknowledgments. About the Author. 1. Introduction to ABA Curriculum. 2. Curriculum Guide. 3. ABA Curriculum - Understanding the Task Analyses in this Program. 4. ABA Curriculum - Implementing the Task Analyses in this Program. 5. Teaching Strategies. 6. Data Collection and Data Recording. 7. Graphing. 8. Creating an ABA Environment. Curriculum Programs. 9. Attending Programs. Appropriate Sitting during a Family Meal; Appropriate Sitting during a School Activity; Sustained Eye Contact. 10. Imitation Programs. Complex Fine Motor Imitation; Complex Fine Motor Imitation with Objects; Complex Gross Motor Imitation; Complex Gross Motor Imitation with Objects; Imitation: Mirror-Speed-Intensity-Sequence; Pretend Actions Imitation (no objects used). 11. Visual Spatial Programs. Arrange by Series or Sequence; Building Block Formations, Extending Sequence Patterns; Matching Block Formations to Pictures of Block Formations; Matching Object Association; Matching Uppercase to Lowercase Letters; Matching Lowercase to Uppercase Letters; Mazes; Puzzles (Square Boarder and Jigsaw); Sorting Objects by Feature; Sorting Pictures by Feature; Sorting Objects by Function; Sorting Pictures by Function, What Doesn't Belong?12. Receptive Language Programs. Discriminating Sounds; Makes a Choice; Past Tense Verbs; Irregular Past Tense Verbs; Plurals; Irregular Plurals; Pronouns (He/She); Pronouns (His/Hers); Pronouns (I/You); Pronouns (My/Your); Pronouns (Their/Ours); Pronouns (We/They); Receptive Instructions Delivered In a Group; Receptive Instructions (Two Step); Receptive Labels of Attributes; Receptive Labels of Categories; Receptive Labels of Community Helpers; Receptive Labels of Emotions; Receptive Labels of Function of Body Parts; Receptive Labels of Function of Objects; Receptive Labels of Gender; Receptive Labels of Rooms and Objects in a Room. 13. Expressive Language Programs. Answer Simple ""What"" Questions; Answer Simple ""When"" Questions; Answer Simple ""Where"" Questions; Answer Simple ""Where"" Questions about a Classroom; Answer Simple ""Which"" Questions; Answer Simple ""Who"" Questions; Answer Simple Yes/No Questions; Answer Social Questions; Describes Pictures; Discriminating Sounds; Expanding Sentence Length (Action-Object); Expanding Sentence Length (Subject-Action); Expanding Sentence Length (Subject-Action-Object); Expanding Sentence Length (Subject-Object); Expanding Sentence Starters; Expressing Displeasure; Expressive Labels of Attributes; Expressive Labels of Categories; Expressive Labels of Community Helpers; Expressive Labels of Emotions; Expressive Labels of Function of Body Parts; Expressive Labels of Function of Objects; Expressive Labels of Gender; Expressive Labels of Rooms and Objects in a Room; Intraverbal Fill-Ins of Predictable Routines; Manners; Past Tense Verbs; Irregular Past Tense Verbs; Plurals; Irregular Plurals; Pronouns (He/She); Pronouns (His/Him/Hers); Pronouns (I/You); Pronouns (My/Your); Pronouns (Their/Ours); Pronouns (We/They); Provides Simple Directions to Another; Reciprocates Information; Requests Needed or Missing Materials; Simple Requests Using Questions; Simple Requests Using Sentences; Verbal Imitation of Phrases. 14. Academic Programs. Connect the Dots; Cutting; Expressive Labels of 3-Dimensional Shapes; Expressive Labels of Beginning Sounds of Letters; Expressive Labels of Money; Expressive Labels of Opposites; Folds Paper; Part/Whole Relationships; Painting; Pasting and Gluing; Quantitative Concepts; Receptive Labels of 3-Dimensional Shapes; Receptive Labels of Beginning Sounds of Letters; Receptive Labels of Money; Receptive Labels of Opposites; Reading: Matching Letter Sounds to Pictures; Reading: Matching Words to Pictures; Rhyming; Task Duration. 15. Play/Social Programs. Duck Duck Goose; Independent Play via a Play Schedule; Participation in Complex Childhood Songs & Games; Playground: Ladder; Playground: Merry Go Round; Playground: Monkey Bars; Playground: Sliding Board; Playground: Swing; Playground: Teeter Totter; Playground: Tunnel; Pretend Play: Birthday Party; Pretend Play: Detective; Pretend Play: Doctor; Pretend Play: Kitchen; Pretend Play: Mommy & Daddy; Pretend Play: School; Pretend Play (No Props); Pretend Play: Same Role - Dancers; Pretend Play: Same Role - Pirates; Pretend Play: Same Role - Princesses; Pretend Play: Same Role - Race Car Driver; Pretend Play: Same Role - Train Engineers; Swimming: Level 1; Symbolic Play; Turn-Taking. 16. Adaptive Skills Programs. Applying Chap Stick; Buttoning and Unbuttoning; Cleans Ears; Dressing and Undressing: Putting on and Taking Off Gloves; Dressing and Undressing: Putting on and Taking off Gym Clothes; Snapping and Unsnapping; Systematic Desensitization: Brushing Hair; Systematic Desensitization: Brushing Teeth; Unzips a Zipper; Waiting; Walks Backwards; Wipes Hands and Face; Zips a Connected and Unconnected Zipper. References. Index.
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