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A Complete ABA Curriculum for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum with a Developmental Age of 7 Years Up to Young Adulthood

A Complete ABA Curriculum for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum with a Developmental Age of 7 Years Up to Young Adulthood


Regular price $145.32 AUD
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The first comprehensive ABA program designed specifically for individuals on the autism spectrum aged approximately 7 years up to young adulthood, this complete step-by-step resource contains everything needed to teach advanced skills such as organizational skills, advanced self-care skills, academic and vocational skills and advanced skills for daily living.
Evidence-based, the resource guides instructors step-by-step through using ABA to teach over 140 advanced skills. The program can be individualized to meet the needs and interests of the individual, and instructions are given on how to do this. Accompanying online downloadable content contains the teaching materials needed to implement the program, including over 1000 color picture cards and worksheets, printable copies of the curriculum programs, data forms and checklists. The author also provides guidance on creating an effective ABA teaching environment, as well as a wealth of practical teaching strategies for ensuring therapy success.
This is an unparalleled resource for professionals working with children and young people with ASDs who are looking for a robust and ready-to-implement ABA curriculum. It will be a valuable tool for behaviour analysts, teachers, psychologists, occupational therapists, and students in these fields, as well as to parents working with professionals to implement an ABA program.

Acknowledgments. About the Author. Part 1: Curriculum Implementation. 1. Introduction to the ABA Curriculum. 2. Curriculum Guide. 3. ABA Curriculum - Understanding the Task Analyses in this Program. 4. ABA Curriculum - Implementing the Task Analyses in this Program. 5. Teaching Strategies. 6. Data Collection and Data Recording. 7. Graphing. 8. Creating an ABA Environment. Part 2: Curriculum Programs. 9. Visual Spatial Skills Task Analyses. Combination Lock; Matrix Reasoning; Visual Spatial: Form Constancy; Visual Spatial: Spatial Relations; Visual Spatial: Visual Closure; Visual Spatial: Visual Discrimination; Visual Spatial: Visual Memory. 10. Pragmatic Language and Social Skills Task Analyses. Contacting Friends: Emailing; Contacting Friends: Texting; Expanding Conversations Based on Context: Adults; Expanding Conversations Based on Context: Camp; Expanding Conversations Based on Context: School; Eye Contact in Social Situations; Figurative Language: Idioms; Figurative Language: Similes; Identifying Social Language; Inferring Meaning from Conversational Tone; Interrupting Conversations and Waiting to Talk; Solving a Social Problem; Stages of Friendship; Stages of Romantic Relationships; Understanding Internet and Texting Language; Wii: Basketball. 1. Academic Skills Task Analyses. Alphabetize: DVD and Game Collection; Estimating Numbers; Following Directions to Complete a Worksheet; Geography: Expressive Labels of U.S. States; Geography: Expressive Labels of U.S. State Capitals; Geography: Finding Locations on a Map; Geography: Following Directions on a Map; Geography: Receptive Labels of U.S. States; Geography: Receptive Labels of U.S. State Capitals; Geography: Using MapQuest; Keyboarding; Math: Identification of Key Words in a Story Problem; Math: Interpreting Graphs; Math: Math Fluency; Math: Multiplication with Numbers 0-12; Math: Perimeter, Area and Circumference; Math: Word Problems - Addition; Math: Word Problems - Subtraction; Microsoft Word: Formatting Font; Microsoft Word: Formatting Page Layout; Microsoft Word: Inserting Items; Money: Counting with Money; Money: Making Change with Money; Money: Purchasing Items with Money; Money: Word Problems - Addition and Subtraction with Money; Reading: Decode Unknown Words; Reading: Reading Comprehension; Reading: Reading Fluency; Reading: Vocabulary Acquisition; Recalling Sentences; Retelling Stories; Writing: Writing an Essay; Writing: Writing Fluency; Writing: Writing Sentences.12. Executive Functioning Skills Task Analyses. 20 Questions Game; Solving Everyday Problems; Using an Organization System for Scheduling/Completing School Assignments; Verbal Processing. 13. Behaviors and Emotional Regulation Task Analyses. Negotiation versus Compromise; Obnoxious versus Appropriate Behavior; Systematic Desensitization: Sleeping with the Lights Off; Systematic Desensitization: Staying in Room Alone; Systematic Desensitization: Wearing Clothes with Buttons. 14. Vocational Skills Task Analyses. Arriving on Time; Banking: Balancing a Checkbook; Banking: Checking Balance to Purchase an Item; Banking: Debit Card Withdrawal; Banking: Deposits; Banking: Opening a Bank Account; Banking: Writing a Check; Car Maintenance: Cleaning a Car; Car Maintenance: Checking and Filling Oil in a Car; Car Maintenance: Checking and Filling Windshield Wiper Fluid; Cleaning: Basement; Cleaning: Bedroom; Completing a Job Application; Cooking: Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies; Cooking: Finding a Cooking Recipe On-Line; Cooking: Making a Grilled Cheese Sandwich; Cooking: Making Individual Serving Size Drink; Cooking: Making Macaroni and Cheese; Cooking: Making Muffins; Cooking: Making Nachos; Cooking: Making Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich; Cooking: Making Pizza; Cooking: Measuring Ingredients; Dishes: Cleaning Dishes in a Dishwasher; Dishes: Cleaning up Dishes after a Meal; Dishes: Hand Washing Dishes in a Sink; Dishes: Putting Silverware Away; Inventory Sheet; Laundry: Drying Clothes and Putting Them Away; Laundry: Washing Clothes; Mail: Addressing an Envelope; Making a Bed; Putting Sheets on Bed; Setting a Table; Sweeping the Floor; Taking Out the Garbage; Video Editing: Add Music; Video Editing: Add Still Picture; Video Editing: Add Title and Credits; Video Editing: Add Transitions and Effects; Video Editing: Add Video Clip; Video Editing: Publish Video; Video Editing: Save Video; Walking the Dog; Washing Window. 15. Adaptive Skills Task Analyses. Clock: Setting an Alarm Clock; Clock: Setting an I-Phone Alarm; Clock: Telling Time; Completing Chores on a Chore Chart; Driver's Exam: Defining Traffic Signs; Eating Healthy Foods; Exercise: Elliptical; Exercise: Treadmill; Feminine Pads: Using and Changing Pads; Feminine Pads: Systematic Desensitization; First Aid: Identifying Items in a First Aid Kit; First Aid: Identifying Situations Requiring a First Aid Kit; First Aid: Using First Aid Kits; Grocery Shopping: Making a Grocery List; Grocery Shopping: Purchasing Groceries; Grocery Shopping: Purchasing Snack Ingredients; Grooming Nails; Matching Community Signs to Descriptions; Packing a Backpack; Putting on Deodorant; Shaving Face; Shaving Legs and Armpits; Shopping: Comparing Price Values; Shopping: Purchasing Items from a Vending Machine; Showering; Styling Hair; Telephone: Answering Telephone Calls; Telephone: Calling Someone; Telephone: Phone Number Search; Washing Hair; Wearing a Bra: Systematic Desensitization

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