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A Complete ABA Curriculum for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum with a Developmental Age of 4-7 Years

A Complete ABA Curriculum for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum with a Developmental Age of 4-7 Years


Regular price $145.32 AUD
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Covering intermediate skills such as comprehension of abstract language, social and play skills, emotional and behavioral regulation, and academic skills, this comprehensive ABA curriculum has been developed specifically for individuals on the autism spectrum with a developmental age of approximately 4-7 years.
Evidence-based, the resource guides instructors step-by-step through using ABA to teach 150 intermediate skills. The program can be individualized to meet the needs and interests of the individual, and instructions are given on how to do this. Accompanying online downloadable content contains the teaching materials needed to implement the program, including over 1000 printable color picture cards and worksheets, handy printable copies of the curriculum programs, data forms and checklists. The authors also provide guidance on creating an effective ABA teaching environment, as well as a wealth of practical teaching strategies for ensuring therapy success.
This is an unparalleled resource for professionals working with children with ASDs who are looking for a robust and ready-to-implement ABA curriculum. It will be a valuable tool for behaviour analysts, teachers, psychologists, occupational therapists, and students in these fields, as well as to parents working with professionals to implement an ABA program.

Acknowledgments. About the Authors. 1. Introduction to ABA Curriculum. 2. Curriculum Guide. 3. ABA Curriculum - Understanding the Task Analyses in this Program. 4. ABA Curriculum - Implementing the Task Analyses in this Program. 5. Teaching Strategies. 6. Data Collection and Data Recording. 7. Graphing. 8. Creating an ABA environment. Curriculum Programs. 9. Imitation Programs. Asymmetrical Poses; Complex Sequence of Motor Imitation (Two-Parts); Complex Sequence of Motor Imitation (Three-Parts); Touching Objects in a Sequence; Verbalization of Numbers in a Sequence. 10. Visual Spatial Programs. Arrange Sequence by Order of Story; Arrange Sequence by Steps in a Daily Activity; Arrange Sequence by Social Scene; Building Block Formations to Match Pictures of Block Formations; Geoboards; Screws/Unscrews Jars, Lids, Nuts and Bolts; Strings Beads by Color and Shape. 11. Receptive Language Programs. Abstract Words: Favorite; Abstract Words: Real versus Make Believe; Abstract Words: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow; Discrimination of Left versus Right; Follows Multiple-Step Directives; Follows Multiple-Step Directives with Negation; Future Tense; Receptive Instructions: Attention and Memory Tasks; Receptive Instructions: Conditional Clauses; Receptive Instructions: 3-Steps; Receptive Labels of Community Helpers based on Actions; Receptive Labels of Complex Categories; Receptive Labels of Complex Emotions; Receptive Labels of Material Composition; Receptive Labels of Objects Based on a Description; Receptive Labels of Places Based on a Description. 12. Expressive Language Programs. Abstract Words: Favorite; Abstract Words: Real versus Make Believe; Abstract Words: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow; Answers Complex Social Questions; Answers How Questions; Answers Questions about a Conversation; Answers Social Questions about Others; Answers Why Questions; Asks Follow Up Questions to Comments; Asks Questions for Information Gathering: Where are you going?; Asks Questions for Information Gathering: What's that? and Who's that?; Asks Social Questions to Others; Chit-Chat; Commenting to Peer Initiated Conversation; Compliments; Conversations about Non-preferred Topics; Describes Nouns; Describes Sequence of Steps in a Daily Activity; Discrimination of Left versus Right; Empathetic Statements or Questions; Ends Conversations Appropriately; Expressive Labels of Community Helpers Based on Actions; Expressive Labels of Complex Categories; Expressive Labels of Complex Emotions; Expressive Labels of Material Composition; Expressive Labels of Objects Based on a Description; Expressive Labels of Places Based on a Description; Future Tense; General Knowledge and Reasoning; General Knowledge and Reasoning: Absurdities in Pictures; General Knowledge and Reasoning: Unattainable Actions; Gives a Comment to a Compliment; Maintains a Conversation; Offers Assistance; Protesting in a School Setting; Recalls Information; Vocal Volume. 13. Academic Programs. Analogies; Answers Knowledge Questions; Art Skills: Drawing; Art Skills: Multiple Step Art Project; Auditory Comprehension; Calendar; Estimations; Inferences; Math: Counting 1-50; Math: Counting Objects; Math: Counting Out Items from a Larger Set; Math: Counting with a Template; Math: Skip Counting; Part/Whole Relationships II; Pledge of Allegiance; Reading: Matches Phrases and Sentences to Pictures; Reading: Reads Site Words; Reading: Reads Words Beginning with Ch, Th and Sh; Similarities and Differences; Spelling: Spells 2-Letter Sight Words; Spelling: Spells 3-Letter Sight Words; Spelling: Spells 4-Letter Sight Words; Spelling: Spelling with Manipulatives; Temporal Relationships: Before and After; Vocabulary: Expressive; Vocabulary: Receptive; Weather; Writing: Copies Words from the Board; Writing: Makes Lowercase Letters using Manipulatives; Writing: Makes Numbers using Manipulatives; Writing: Makes Uppercase Letters using Manipulatives; Writing: Write Lowercase Letters; Writing: Writes Name; Writing: Writes Numbers 1-10; Writing: Writes Simple Words; Writing: Writes Uppercase Letters. 14. Play/Social Programs. Board and Card Games; Board Games: Candy Land; Board Games: Chutes and Ladders; Board Games: Hungry Hungry Hippos; Board Games: Sorry!; Board Games: Trouble; Card Games: Uno - Modified, Version 1: Using Only Colors; Card Games: Uno - Modified, Version 2: Adding Wild cards and Draw Four Cards; Card Games: Uno - Modified, Version 3: Adding Draw Two and Reverse Cards; Card Games: Uno - Modified, Version 4: Using the Numbers on the Cards; Commenting During Play; Connect Four; Cooperative Play: Board Games and Card Games; Cooperative Play: Childhood Games; Cooperative Play: Pretend Play; Cooperative Play: Sports; Initiates Play with Peers; Pretend Play: Follows a Script - Camping Trip; Pretend Play: Follows a Script - Going to the Beach; Pretend Play: Follows a Script - Grocery Store; Pretend Play: Takes on Both Roles - Cops and Robbers; Pretend Play: Takes on Both Roles - Superhero and Villain; Pretend Play: Takes on Both Roles - Waiter and Customer; Rides a Bicycle; Swimming: Level 2; Swimming: Level 3; Understands Facial Expressions and Nonverbal Language; Videogame: Wii Playground Racing; Watching Television. 15. Behaviours and Emotional Regulation Programs. Accepting No in a School Setting; Big Problem versus Little Problem; Emotions in Self; Expected Behaviors versus Unexpected Behaviors; Safe Behaviors versus Dangerous Behaviors; Social Stories and Power Cards; Thinking of Me versus Thinking of You; Tolerates Unanticipated Changes; Transitions from Preferred to Non-preferred Activities. 16. Adaptive Skills Programs. Bathing: Drying Self; Bathing: Washing Self; Brushing Hair; Brushing Teeth; Buckling and Unbuckling a Seatbelt; Cutting with a Knife; Open and Close Ziplock Bags; Table Manners; Ties Shoes; Using a Napkin; Waiting in the School Environment. References. Index.

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