A Complete ABA Curriculum for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum with a Developmental Age of 4-7 Years
A Complete ABA Curriculum for Individuals on the Autism Spectrum with a Developmental Age of 4-7 Years
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Table of Content
Acknowledgments. About the Authors. 1. Introduction to ABA Curriculum. 2. Curriculum Guide. 3. ABA Curriculum - Understanding the Task Analyses in this Program. 4. ABA Curriculum - Implementing the Task Analyses in this Program. 5. Teaching Strategies. 6. Data Collection and Data Recording. 7. Graphing. 8. Creating an ABA environment. Curriculum Programs. 9. Imitation Programs. Asymmetrical Poses; Complex Sequence of Motor Imitation (Two-Parts); Complex Sequence of Motor Imitation (Three-Parts); Touching Objects in a Sequence; Verbalization of Numbers in a Sequence. 10. Visual Spatial Programs. Arrange Sequence by Order of Story; Arrange Sequence by Steps in a Daily Activity; Arrange Sequence by Social Scene; Building Block Formations to Match Pictures of Block Formations; Geoboards; Screws/Unscrews Jars, Lids, Nuts and Bolts; Strings Beads by Color and Shape. 11. Receptive Language Programs. Abstract Words: Favorite; Abstract Words: Real versus Make Believe; Abstract Words: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow; Discrimination of Left versus Right; Follows Multiple-Step Directives; Follows Multiple-Step Directives with Negation; Future Tense; Receptive Instructions: Attention and Memory Tasks; Receptive Instructions: Conditional Clauses; Receptive Instructions: 3-Steps; Receptive Labels of Community Helpers based on Actions; Receptive Labels of Complex Categories; Receptive Labels of Complex Emotions; Receptive Labels of Material Composition; Receptive Labels of Objects Based on a Description; Receptive Labels of Places Based on a Description. 12. Expressive Language Programs. Abstract Words: Favorite; Abstract Words: Real versus Make Believe; Abstract Words: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow; Answers Complex Social Questions; Answers How Questions; Answers Questions about a Conversation; Answers Social Questions about Others; Answers Why Questions; Asks Follow Up Questions to Comments; Asks Questions for Information Gathering: Where are you going?; Asks Questions for Information Gathering: What's that? and Who's that?; Asks Social Questions to Others; Chit-Chat; Commenting to Peer Initiated Conversation; Compliments; Conversations about Non-preferred Topics; Describes Nouns; Describes Sequence of Steps in a Daily Activity; Discrimination of Left versus Right; Empathetic Statements or Questions; Ends Conversations Appropriately; Expressive Labels of Community Helpers Based on Actions; Expressive Labels of Complex Categories; Expressive Labels of Complex Emotions; Expressive Labels of Material Composition; Expressive Labels of Objects Based on a Description; Expressive Labels of Places Based on a Description; Future Tense; General Knowledge and Reasoning; General Knowledge and Reasoning: Absurdities in Pictures; General Knowledge and Reasoning: Unattainable Actions; Gives a Comment to a Compliment; Maintains a Conversation; Offers Assistance; Protesting in a School Setting; Recalls Information; Vocal Volume. 13. Academic Programs. Analogies; Answers Knowledge Questions; Art Skills: Drawing; Art Skills: Multiple Step Art Project; Auditory Comprehension; Calendar; Estimations; Inferences; Math: Counting 1-50; Math: Counting Objects; Math: Counting Out Items from a Larger Set; Math: Counting with a Template; Math: Skip Counting; Part/Whole Relationships II; Pledge of Allegiance; Reading: Matches Phrases and Sentences to Pictures; Reading: Reads Site Words; Reading: Reads Words Beginning with Ch, Th and Sh; Similarities and Differences; Spelling: Spells 2-Letter Sight Words; Spelling: Spells 3-Letter Sight Words; Spelling: Spells 4-Letter Sight Words; Spelling: Spelling with Manipulatives; Temporal Relationships: Before and After; Vocabulary: Expressive; Vocabulary: Receptive; Weather; Writing: Copies Words from the Board; Writing: Makes Lowercase Letters using Manipulatives; Writing: Makes Numbers using Manipulatives; Writing: Makes Uppercase Letters using Manipulatives; Writing: Write Lowercase Letters; Writing: Writes Name; Writing: Writes Numbers 1-10; Writing: Writes Simple Words; Writing: Writes Uppercase Letters. 14. Play/Social Programs. Board and Card Games; Board Games: Candy Land; Board Games: Chutes and Ladders; Board Games: Hungry Hungry Hippos; Board Games: Sorry!; Board Games: Trouble; Card Games: Uno - Modified, Version 1: Using Only Colors; Card Games: Uno - Modified, Version 2: Adding Wild cards and Draw Four Cards; Card Games: Uno - Modified, Version 3: Adding Draw Two and Reverse Cards; Card Games: Uno - Modified, Version 4: Using the Numbers on the Cards; Commenting During Play; Connect Four; Cooperative Play: Board Games and Card Games; Cooperative Play: Childhood Games; Cooperative Play: Pretend Play; Cooperative Play: Sports; Initiates Play with Peers; Pretend Play: Follows a Script - Camping Trip; Pretend Play: Follows a Script - Going to the Beach; Pretend Play: Follows a Script - Grocery Store; Pretend Play: Takes on Both Roles - Cops and Robbers; Pretend Play: Takes on Both Roles - Superhero and Villain; Pretend Play: Takes on Both Roles - Waiter and Customer; Rides a Bicycle; Swimming: Level 2; Swimming: Level 3; Understands Facial Expressions and Nonverbal Language; Videogame: Wii Playground Racing; Watching Television. 15. Behaviours and Emotional Regulation Programs. Accepting No in a School Setting; Big Problem versus Little Problem; Emotions in Self; Expected Behaviors versus Unexpected Behaviors; Safe Behaviors versus Dangerous Behaviors; Social Stories and Power Cards; Thinking of Me versus Thinking of You; Tolerates Unanticipated Changes; Transitions from Preferred to Non-preferred Activities. 16. Adaptive Skills Programs. Bathing: Drying Self; Bathing: Washing Self; Brushing Hair; Brushing Teeth; Buckling and Unbuckling a Seatbelt; Cutting with a Knife; Open and Close Ziplock Bags; Table Manners; Ties Shoes; Using a Napkin; Waiting in the School Environment. References. Index.
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