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Children and Teenagers Who Set Fires

Children and Teenagers Who Set Fires


Regular price $45.84 AUD
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This book helps adults to understand firesetting behaviour in children and teens andprovides strategies to work with them to address the behaviour. Drawing upon the latestjuvenile firesetting research and utilising child development theory to underpin its safetymessages, the book explores why young people might set fires in the first place andcontextualises firesetting in terms of communication and gaining the attention of carersand other adults.The chapters lay out practical, tried-and-tested steps that professionals and carers cantake to address firesetting behaviour, and suggests how to further support any child orteen who sets fires. This includes summaries of the latest evidence-based supportstrategies and a range of creative activities that can be used in direct work with childrenand teenagers who set fires, tailored to specific age ranges. C ombining expert advice onfiresetting behaviour with straightforward practices, this comprehensive book can be usedby anyone working with young people to help them intervene and prevent it.

About the Author

Table of Content

<p>About the author</p><p></p><p>Acknowledgements</p><p></p><p>Foreword</p><p></p><p>Preface</p><p></p><p>Chapter One - What Exactly <i>is</i> Juvenile Firesetting Behaviour?</p><p></p><p>Chapter Two - Whose Problem and Who's Listening?</p><p></p><p>Chapter Three - Why Does it Happen? </p><p></p><p>Chapter Four - What Works?</p><p></p><p>Chapter Five - Working with Children Aged 0 - 7 Years</p><p></p><p>Chapter Six - Working with Children Aged 8 - 11 Years</p><p></p><p>Chapter Seven - Working with Adolescents</p><p></p><p>Chapter Eight - Adapting our Work and Providing Additional Support</p><p></p><p>Chapter Nine - Working with Jenny-Lee: A case study</p><p></p><p>Chapter Ten - Endings</p><p></p><p>Appendix I - SUGGESTIONS FOR GIVING POSITIVE FEEDBACK AND APPROVAL </p><p></p><p>Appendix II - NFPA-« Sparky-« ACTIVITIESAppendix III - QUESTIONS FOR TUMBLING TOWERAppendix IV - FIRE SAFETY QUIZAppendix V - FIRE TRIANGLEAppendix VI - HOUSE OF DREAMSAppendix VII - FIRE SCENARIOSAppendix VIII - GRAPHING TECHNIQUEAppendix IX - M1 CASE STUDYAppendix X - RIPPLE EFFECTAppendix XI - HEART EXERCISE (EXAMPLE ONE)Appendix XII - HEART EXERCISE (EXAMPLE TWO)Appendix XIII - JOANNA'S MAGIC ONIONAppendix XIV - CINQUAINSAppendix XV - FIRE SAFETY JOURNEY</p><p></p><p>References</p><p></p><p>Further Reading</p><p></p><p>Organisations, Helplines and Websites Offering Support and Advice</p><p></p>

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