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Arts Therapies with People with Physical Disabilities: An Archetypal App

ISBN: 9781785923647
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Regular price $49.30 AUD
Regular price $56.99 AUD Sale price $49.30 AUD
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For those with mobility and communication challenges, arts therapies can be especiallysignificant and rewarding as a means of self-expression and engaging with others. Thisbook provides practical guidance on multimodal and archetypal arts therapy approachesadapted specifically for a physical disability context.Practical strategies and interventions are given, alongside case studies from individualand group arts therapy sessions. The author acknowledges the challenges of working withclients with physical disabilities, such as physical assistance in using resources, subtletiesin communication of preferences and the need for extra members of staff, and gives clearguidance for accessible and effective sessions. This is essential reading for any artstherapist wanting a tailored approach to meeting the needs of people with physicaldisabilities, with a focus on person-centred and strengths-based methods.