Art-Making with Refugees and Survivors: Creative and Transformative Resp
Art-Making with Refugees and Survivors: Creative and Transformative Resp
onses to Trauma After Natural Disasters, War and Other Crises
ISBN: 9781785922381By Sally Adnams Jones, Contributions by Lily Yeh, Dr Carol Hofmeyr, Max Levi Frieder, Paul Hogan
Release Date:
Pages: 336
1. Introduction. 2. Mapping Personal and Socio-Political Trauma. 3. How Creativity and the Expressive Arts Transform Individual Trauma. 4. How Creativity and the Expressive Arts Transform Social Trauma. 5. Stories from Philadelphia, Kenya, and Rwanda, with Survivors of Poverty, Inner City Violence, and Genocide. Lily Yeh, The Barefoot Artists Organisation. 6. Stories from South Africa, with Survivors of Poverty, Patriarchy, and the HIV/AIDS Pandemic. Dr Carol Baker Hofymeyr, The Keiskama Trust Art Project. 7. Stories from Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, India, France and Greece, with Survivors of Poverty and Ideological Violence, and Those Living in Refugee Camps. Max Levi Freider, Artolution. 8. Stories from Canada and Sri Lanka, with Survivors of Ethnic Conflict, Religious Intolerance, Tsunami, and the Effects of Globalization. Paul Hogan, The Butterfly Peace Garden. 9. Stories from Canada, with Survivors of Cultural Genocide, Neo-Colonialist Racism, and Inter-Generational Trauma. Dr Sally Adnams Jones, TransformArta Consulting. 10. Conclusions about Healing Trauma and Learning to Transform through Creativity. About the Contributors.
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