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Young Onset Dementia

Young Onset Dementia


Regular price $44.36 AUD
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Providing key information and insight into the experiences of people living with a diagnosis of young onset dementia, this book will increase the knowledge and skills of health and social care professionals in the early recognition, diagnosis and support of young people with dementia and their families.
The book explores the experiences of people living with a diagnosis of young onset dementia through detailed case studies, and gives learning points to implement in practice for the better provision of appropriate support and care. It explains the need for adapting services which are often designed for older people, and how the complicated diagnostic process can lead to misdiagnosis among younger people. Key issues are considered, including at-risk groups, work and dealing with potential loss of employment, changes in personal and family relationships, readjusting life expectations and plans, and social isolation.
Market: Primary care, and health and social care  professionals, including frontline practitioners, GPs and GP trainees, mental health professionals, nurses, carers, occupational therapists, undergraduate and post-graduate health and social care students, and commissioners. Also those working in the field of intellectual disability (there is a high incidence of young onset dementia in people with Down's syndrome in particular).

1. Introduction. 2. Promotion of health and prevention of ill health in reducing incidence of dementia. 3. Groups at increased risk of young onset dementia. 4. Why is it important to recognise and diagnose young onset dementia in a timely way? 5. The importance of timely post-diagnostic support and interventions following a diagnosis of young onset dementia. 6. Impact of young onset dementia on family relationships. 7. Lonely in a social world: Maintaining social connections in young onset dementia. 8. Meaningful occupation and activities. 9. Conclusions. Resources.

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