The Carolina Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs (CCITSN) 3/e
The Carolina Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs (CCITSN) 3/e
This practical, easy to use curriculum for children from birth to 3 years with mild to severe disabilities links assessment and intervention. The book begins by describing the approach and principles of CCITSN and how to use the curriculum. The book outlines 24 teaching sequences, which are clustered into five areas: cognition, communication, social/adaptation, fine motor, and gross motor. Every sequence is introduced with a short description and special adaptations for children with motor, vision, or hearing impairments. Each curricular item or behavior within a sequence includes a materials list, a procedure and functional activities for teaching the skill, and the criteria for successful mastery. This new edition extends the age range from birth to 24 months to birth to 36 months. The curriculum can also be used with older children who fall within this age range developmentally. This volume will overlap with the upcoming second edition of The Carolina Curriculum for Preschoolers with Special Needs. This edition has more emphasis on home environment, play and emergent literacy. The appendix describing common conditions is also new to this volume.
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Table of Content
Table of Content
Introduction; Guiding Learning: Principles and Suggestions; How to Use the CCITSN; Assessment Log; Sequences; Self-Regulation and Responsibility; Interpersonal Skills; Self-Concept; Self-Help Skills: Eating; Attention and Memory: Visual/Spatial; Visual Perception: Blocks and Puzzles; Matching and Sorting; Functional Use of Objects and Symbolic Play; Problem Solving/Reasoning; Number Concepts; Concepts/Vocabulary: Receptive; Concepts/Vocabulary: Expressive; Attention and Memory: Auditory; Verbal Comprehension; Conversation Skills; Sentence Construction; Vocal Imitation; Motor Imitation; Fine Motor Skills: Grasp and Manipulation; Fine Motor Skills: Bilateral Skills; Fine Motor Skills: Tool Use; Visual-Motor Skills; Gross Motor Upright: Posture and Locomotion, Balance, Balls, Outdoor Play; Gross Motor Skills: Prone (On Stomach); Gross Motor Skills: Supine (On Back); Appendices; Selected Impairments and Their Effects on Development; Play and Children with Motor Impairments; Object Boards as Aids for Teaching Children with Severe Motor Impairments
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