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The Holiness of Doubt

The Holiness of Doubt

A Journey Through the Questions of the Torah

ISBN: 9781538176757
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The Holiness of Doubt is a timely and essential contribution to the study of sacred Jewish texts. What does it mean for a book of faith for millions of people to be riddled with the uncertainties evoked by hundreds of questions? Rabbi Joshua Hoffman has chronicled the questions of the Torah and offers personal insights and the accumulated wisdom of interpretations, ancient and modern, to discover the meaning of questions and the holiness of doubt. This book offers the reader a chance to see the wisdom of the Torah refracted through its questions. Divided according to the weekly Torah portions as traditionally studied in the Jewish community, this book explores the purpose of questions in the text and becomes a unique interpretation of the Torah on its own. There are also summaries for the portions which do not contain questions to explore what impact the absence of questions has on the Torah as a whole. In confronting doubt, we gain a renewed permission to explore the deepest questions of our time. We can discover, like our ancestors dreamed, that the wisdom of the biblical tradition echoes eternal truth in every generation.

By Joshua Hoffman


Release Date:


Pages: 240

Contents Introduction Part 1: Introduction to Genesis Genesis B'reisheet Noach Lech Lecha Vayera Chayei Sarah Toledot Vayetzei Vayishlach Vayeshev Miketz Vayigash Vayechi Conclusion Part 2: Introduction to Exodus Exodus Shemot Vaera Bo Beshalach Yitro Mishpatim Terumah Tetzaveh Ki Tissa Vayakhel and Pekudei Conclusion Part 3: Introduction to Leviticus Leviticus Vayikra and Tzav Shemini Tazria, Metzora and Acharei Mot Kedoshim Emor Behar Bechukotai Conclusion Part 4: Introduction to Numbers Numbers Bamidbar and Naso B'ha'alotecha Shlach Lecha Korach Hukkat Balak Pinchas Mattot Masei Conclusion Part 4: Deuteronomy Devarim Va'Etchanan Ekev Re'eh Shoftim Ki Tetzei and Ki Tavo Nitzavim Vayelech Ha'azinu Ve'Zo't Ha'Berakha Conclusion Conclusion Study Guide Notes Index About the Author

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Author Bio

Rabbi Joshua Hoffman has studied and practiced as a pulpit Rabbi in the Southern California area for the past twenty-five years . He served Congregation Valley Beth Shalom in Encino from 2003-2021. As an ordinee of the fifth class of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies, he received prestigious awards and achieved a M.A. in Rabbinic Studies in 2003 . He also received his M.A. in Education from the American Jewish University in 1999 and his B.A. in English and American Literature from Brandeis University in 1996. Over the years, he cultivated extensive experience with the Los Angeles and North American Jewish communities, serving in positions of leadership in the Rabbinical Assembly, Board of Rabbis of Southern California, Sandra Caplan Community Bet Din, and the JFNA Rabbinic Cabinet. Joshua teaches in the greater Los Angeles Jewish community, and was a lecturer in courses on Liturgy and Essential Jewish Texts at the American Jewish University. He publishes widely, including a series of Torah portion commentaries for the Los Angeles Jewish Journal. He is active on Twitter (@hoffmanrabbi) and Facebook (rabbijoshuahoffman) and his website,, includes weekly blogposts.