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Toward a Public Theology in Myanmar

Toward a Public Theology in Myanmar

ISBN: 9781506491592
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The essays in this volume reflect the journey of a team from Myanmar and India listening and learning from each other. The intention is for theologians, pastors, and public intellectuals from Southeast Asia, starting from the Association of Theological Education in South East Asia (ATESEA), to initiate or strengthen discussions on the theme of Public Witness. In situations where the discussion has begun, we hope this contribution will add to the process. At a fundamental level, this volume will trigger a rethinking of Mission in Myanmar in the context of re-imposed military rule. The volume is divided into three parts. The first offers an introduction, leading up to the book and to the Association of Theological Education in Myanmar (ATEM), the second a section on theology of Public Witness and broad theoretical formulations concluding with a wide array of the contemporary issues on the ground. The articles come out of the five workshops, for professional theologians from seminaries, social activists from a Christian faith background and pastors.

Edited by Lal Tin Hre, David Selvaraj, Contributions by Min Thang, K.M.Y. Khawsiama, Van Lal Thuam Lian, Van Lal Hming Sangi, Mar Lar Myint, La Rip Marip, Amady Htoo, Ram Lian Thang


Release Date:


Pages: 220

Introduction Journey leading to the book - David Selvaraj Association For Theological Education In Myanmar (ATEM) - Lal Tin Hre Theological perspectives and theoretical formulations Theological Basis for Public Theology - DhyanchandCarr A Theological Response to the Dukkha Ridden People in Myanmar - K. M. Y. Khawsiama Public Witness to the Just Reign of God - A South Asian Perspective - KorsonSrisang with an introduction by Lal Tin Hre Inter-tribal Hermeneutics for doing Myanmar public theology - La Rip Marip Interfaith dialogue as the relevant characteristic of making peace - Ram Lian Thing Exploring prophetic diakonia in Myanmar - David Selvaraj Contemporary issues and the how of public witness Silence of the church in Myanmar- Lal Tin Hre Ecological problems & role of people in the preservation of natural resources - NawAmadyHtoo Social Transformation and Social Movements - Van LalThuamLiak Displacement, Migration, Trafficking & sexual violence - Vanlalhmingsangi Working Class and their Problems - Min Thang My story our story - LalRindikiRalte Feminist perspectives on worship and public theology in Myanmar context - Van LalHmingSangi Living life as witness, the how of public theologizing - DhyanchandCarr

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Author Bio

Lal Tin Hre, a retired Pastor of Presbyterian Church of Myanmar. Earned his MTh in Singapore (TTC) and ThD from Hong Kong (LTS). He was the former principal of Tahan Theological College, Kalaymyo and now serving at the office of Association for Theological Education in Myanmar (ATEM) as an Executive Secretary since 2009. Rev. David. Selvaraj is the chairperson of the Anawim Satsang (network of grass root community Churches). He has served the Church of South India as the Founder Director of the Diaconal Ministry and the first national Coordinator of HEKS (the relief and development arm of the Swiss Protestant Church) in India.