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Conquering the Electron

Conquering the Electron

The Geniuses, Visionaries, Egomaniacs, and Scoundrels Who Built Our El

ISBN: 9781493049929
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Conquering the Electron offers readers a true and engaging history of the world of electronics, beginning with the discoveries of static electricity and magnetism and ending with the creation of the smartphone and the iPad. This book shows the interconnection of each advance to the next on the long journey to our modern-day technologies. Exploring the combination of genius, infighting, and luck that powered the creation of today's electronic age, Conquering the Electron debunks the hero worship so often plaguing the stories of great advances. Want to know how AT&T's Bell Labs developed semiconductor technology-and how its leading scientists almost came to blows in the process? Want to understand how radio and television work-and why RCA drove their inventors to financial ruin and early graves? Conquering the Electron offers these stories and more, presenting each revolutionary technological advance right alongside blow-by-blow personal battles that all too often took place.

By Derek Cheung, Eric Brach


Release Date:


Pages: 360

Part I: Age of Electromagnetism 1 The Knowledge Foundation The Beginning Scientific Method The Magic of Static Electricity The Battery Linking Electricity and Magnetism Faraday, the Grand Master Maxwell, the Peerless Genius 2 The Telegraph Messages Sent by Electric Current Annihilating the Time-Space Barrier Wire Across the Atlantic Intellectual Property Disputes Morse Code Impact 3 The Telephone Voices Carried Over Wire Building the Telephone Business Patent Battle of the Century Sound of Music 4 Wireless Telegraphy Hertz and the Electromagnetic Waves Marconi and the Wireless Crossing the Ocean Blue 5 Lighting and Electrification Electrical Lighting Systems Generators and Motors The AC-DC War Impact of Electrification Edison, Tesla, and Siemens One Hundred Years of Electromagnetism Part II: Age of Vacuum Electronics 6 Current Flow in a Vacuum Cathode Rays The Electron Exposed The Puzzle of Penetrative Light The Legacy of Vacuum Electronics 7 Controlling the Flow of Electrons The Edison Effect The Vacuum Diode The Magical Third Electrode Voices Across the Continent 8 Radio Christmas Eve, 1904 Core Radio Technology RCA and Sarnoff Armstrong's Tragedy 9 Television Transmitting Video through the Air A Farm Boy from Utah and a Russian Emigre The Intellectual Property Battle 10 Radar Clairvoyance Hunting the Submarine The Most Valuable Luggage Radio Navigation The Microwave World 11 Computer The Calculating Machine ENIAC Foundation of Computer Architecture Framework for the Future Part III: Age of Solid-State Electronics 12 The Semiconductor Bell Labs Kelly's Foresight The Unpredictable Semiconductor 13 The Birth of the Transistor The Flamboyant Genius Conceptualizing a Solid-State Triode Forging a Better Semiconductor Discovery of the p-n Junction Roadblocks The Great Breakthrough The Roll-Out . . . . . . And the Fight Shockley's Last Laugh The Zeal of Teal and the Elan of Pfann Resolution 14 Launching the Electronics Industry Sharing Technology New Players The Debut of Silicon The Transistor Radio Japanese Pioneers The Transistor Era Begins 15 The Dawn of Silicon Valley Wall Street Journal or Physical Review? Shockley and the Traitorous Eight The Birth of Venture Capital The Changing of the Guard 16 The Integrated Circuit and the Chip Kilby and the First Integrated Circuit Hoerni and the Planar Process Noyce and the Chip Fairchild and the Silicon Valley Phenomenon 17 Chip Technology Blossoms The Early Market for Chips Moore's Law Memory Chips Microprocessor-ENIAC on a chip The Personal Computer Unleashed Ubiquitous Silicon 18 Evolution of the Electronics Industry Competitors from Asia Computer-Aided Design The Foundries of Taiwan Noyce, Moore, and Grove Turning Silicon Into Gold 19 LEDs, Fiber Optics, and Liquid Crystal Displays Luminescent Semiconductors Semiconductor Lasers Fiber Optic Communications Liquid Crystal Displays 20 The Information Age and Beyond Putting It All Together The Information Revolution Globalization Looking Ahead Appendix I: Further Reading Appendix II: Summary of Key "Conquerors of the Electron"

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