Biofeedback, Fourth Edition 4/e
Biofeedback, Fourth Edition 4/e
This comprehensive volume is widely regarded as the definitive practitioner resource and text in the field of biofeedback and applied psychophysiology. Leading experts cover basic concepts, assessment, instrumentation, clinical procedures, and professional issues. Chapters describe how traditional and cutting-edge methods are applied in treatment of a wide range of disorders, including headaches, temporomandibular disorders, essential hypertension, pelvic floor disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), tinnitus, and others. Applications for optimizing physical performance among artists and athletes are also reviewed. A wealth of information and empirical research is presented in an accessible style, including helpful glossaries. New to This Edition *Incorporates significant technological developments and new research areas. *Expanded focus on specialized applications, such as electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback/neurofeedback and heart rate variability biofeedback. *Chapters on surface electromyography, quantitative EEG, and consumer products. *Chapters on cognitive-behavioral therapy and relaxation training. *Chapters on additional clinical problems: anxiety disorders, asthma, work-related pain, traumatic brain injury, autism spectrum disorders, and substance use disorders.
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Table of Content
Table of Content
<p>I. Orientation to Biofeedback 1. The History and Definitions of Biofeedback and Applied Psychophysiology, Mark S. Schwartz, Thomas F. Collura, Joe Kamiya, & Nancy M. Schwartz 2. Entering the Field and Assuring Competence, Fredric Shaffer & Mark S. Schwartz II. Instrumentation 3. A Primer of Traditional Biofeedback Instrumentation, C.J. Peek 4. Advanced Topics in Surface Electromyography: Instrumentation and Applications, Jeffrey E. Bolek, Ronald L. Rosenthal, & Richard A. Sherman 5. Cardiorespiratory Measurement and Assessment in Applied Psychophysiology, Richard N. Gevirtz, Mark S. Schwartz, & Paul M. Lehrer 6. Electroencephalographic Measures and Biofeedback: A Primer, Nicola Neumann, Ute Strehl, Niels Birbaumer, & Boris Kotchoubey 7. Quantitative Electroencephalography and Electroencephalographic Biofeedback/Neurofeedback, Robert W. Thatcher 8. Introduction to Psychophysiological Assessment and Biofeedback Baselines, John G. Arena & Mark S.Schwartz 9. Consumer- and Home-Based Biofeedback, Mark S. Schwartz & Frank Andrasik III. Adjunctive/Complementary Interventions 10. Dietary Considerations, Keith I. Block, Charlotte Gyllenhaal, & Mark S. Schwartz 11. Biofeedback and Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions: Reciprocal Contributions, Daniel Hamiel & Arnon Rolnick IV. Relaxation Interventions 12. Relaxation Today: Self-Stressing and Psychological Relaxation Theory, Jonathan C. Smith 13. Cardiorespiratory Biofeedback, Richard N. Gevirtz, Paul M. Lehrer, & Mark S. Schwartz V. Practice Issues 14. Intake and Preparation for Intervention, Mark S. Schwartz 15. Adherence, Jeanetta C. Rains & Mark S. Schwartz 16. Problems Associated with Relaxation Procedures and Biofeedback, and Guidelines for Management, Mark S. Schwartz, Nancy M. Schwartz, & Vincent J. Monastra 17. Ethical Practice Issues and Concerns, Sebastian Striefel 18. Myths, Insurance, and Other Professional Topics and Issues, Sebastian Striefel, Ronald L. Rosenthal, Robert Whitehouse, & Mark S. Schwartz 19. Evaluating Research in Clinical Biofeedback, Frank Andrasik & Mark S. Schwartz VI. Clinical Applications: Traditional General Biofeedback Practice 20. Headache, Frank Andrasik & Mark S. Schwartz 21. Temporomandibular Muscle and Joint Disorders, Alan G. Glaros & Leonard L. Lausten 22. Raynauds Disease and Raynauds Phenomenon, Maria Katsamanis, Mark S. Schwartz, & Keith Sedlacek 23. Essential Hypertension, Wolfgang Linden & Angele V. McGrady 24. Diabetes Mellitus, Angele V. McGrady & Deloris M. Lakia 25. Tinnitus: Nothing Is as Loud as a Sound You Are Trying Not to Hear, Herta Flor & Mark S. Schwartz 26. Anxiety Disorders, Arnon Rolnick, Dana Bassett, Udi Gal, & Anat Barnea 27. Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Peter T. Dorsher & Mark S. Schwartz 28. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Mark S. Schwartz 29. Asthma, Paul M. Lehrer & Frederick Wamboldt VII. Clinical Applications: Electroencephalographic, Neuromuscular, and Pelvic Floor Biofeedback Specialties 30. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Vincent J. Monastra & Joel F. Lubar 31. Neuromuscular Reeducation and Gait Training, Timothy L. Fagerson & David E. Krebs 32. Bowel, Bladder, and Pelvic Floor Disorders, Jeanette Tries & Eugene Eisman VIII. Optimization 33. Performing Artists, Marcie Zinn & Mark Zinn 34. Sports, Vietta Sue Wilson, Wesley E. Sime, & Timothy Harkness IX. Other Special Populations and Applications 35. Pediatric Applications, Timothy Culbert & Gerard A. Banez 36. Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders, Susan Middaugh X. The Frontier and a Nod to the Future 37. Biofeedback of Slow Cortical Potentials in Epilepsy, Ute Strehl 38. Traumatic Brain Injury, Quantitative Electroencephalography, and Electroencephalographic Biofeedback, Kirtley E. Thornton 39. Biofeedback Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Lynda Thompson, Michael Thompson, James W. G. Thompson, & Andrea Reid-Chung 40. BrainaEURO"Computer Communication: An Alternative Communication Channel for Paralyzed Patients, Tobias Kaufmann, Niels Birbaumer, & Andrea KA1/4bler 41. Substance Use Disorders and Neurofeedback, Estate M. "Tato" Sokhadze, David L. Trudeau, Rex L. Cannon, Eugenia Bodenhamer-Davis, & Richard E. Davis 42. More Frontiers and Further Forward, Mark S. Schwartz & Frank Andrasik Index</p><br>
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