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Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Pain, Second Edition 2/e

Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Pain, Second Edition 2/e


Regular price $99.48 AUD
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This go-to manual--now revised and significantly expanded with more than 50% new material--has enabled thousands of clinicians to effectively treat clients with chronic pain. In the face of todays growing opioid crisis, pain self-management techniques are needed now more than ever. The volume shows how to implement 10 treatment modules that draw on proven cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) strategies. In a convenient large-size format, it includes 58 reproducible client handouts and assessment tools that purchasers can photocopy from the book or download and print from the companion website. The website also offers access to downloadable audio recordings of relaxation exercises narrated by the author, plus supplemental resources for treating clients with lower levels of literacy. New to This Edition *Incorporates over a decade of important advances in pain research and clinical practice. *Treatment modules that allow clients to enter a group at any point after an introductory session. *Expanded with motivational enhancement, relaxation, and mindfulness techniques. *Many new handouts, assessment tools, and therapist scripts, as well as audio downloads. *Orients and engages clients using state-of-the-art research on how the brain processes pain.

About the Author

Table of Content

<p>I. Rationale, Theory, Research, and Assessment 1. Why Consider Cognitions When Treating Chronic Pain? 2. Conceptual/Organizational Model and Treatment Rationale: Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Pain 3. The Research Foundation for Cognitive Treatment of Pain 4. Clinical Assessment of Pain from a Biopsychosocial Perspective II. A Cognitive Treatment Program for Chronic Pain Treatment Module 1. The Brain in Pain: Rationale for Cognitive Therapy Treatment Module 2. The Stress-Judging-Pain Connection Treatment Module 3. Identifying Automatic Thoughts Treatment Module 4. Examining Our Thoughts and Creating New Ones Treatment Module 5. Muscle Relaxation and Coping Self-Statements Treatment Module 6. Deeper Beliefs Treatment Module 7. Observing and Letting Go Treatment Module 8. Writing about Strong Emotions: Another Way of Acknowledging and Letting Go Treatment Module 9. Assertiveness: A Great Way to Communicate Treatment Module 10. Putting It All Together Appendices Appendix A. Brief Pain Inventory-Short Form (BPI-SF) Appendix B. P4 Suicidality Screener (P4) Appendix C. Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) Appendix D. Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia-11 (TSK-11) Appendix E. Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ) Appendix F. Patient Global Impression of Change Scale Audio Downloads 1. Diaphragmatic (Belly) Breathing 2. Passive Muscle Relaxation 3. Mindfulness Relaxation</p><br>

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