Forensic Geropsychology
Forensic Geropsychology
Practice Essentials
ISBN: 9781433828928In this book, expert researchers and practitioners share essential information about providing mental health services to older adults in forensic contexts, and to the courts and judges involved. As the U.S. population ages, the needs of older adults will increasingly inform all areas of mental health practice. In coming years, psychologists can expect to play a more prominent role in helping legal decision makers to understand the unique aspects of older adults' cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning. Clinical providers will have more opportunity to help older adults and their families as they struggle with challenging legal issues such as civil litigation, eligibility for benefits, and incarceration. Chapters in this book describe the nuts and bolts of civil litigation as it relates to brain injury, dementia, PTSD, and pain; assessment of competency to stand trial and to be executed; and the special treatment needs of incarcerated older adults. Also included are chapters on assessing testamentary capacity, assessing older adults pursuing VA benefits, and psychology's role in guardianship and conservatorship decisions.
Edited by Shane S. Bush, Andrew Heck
Release Date:
Pages: 312
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