An Equation for Every Occasion
An Equation for Every Occasion
Fifty-Two Formulas and Why They Matter
ISBN: 9781421419831With this fun romp through the world of equations we encounter in our everyday lives, you'll find yourself flipping through the stories of fifty-two formulas faster than a deck of cards. John M. Henshaw's intriguing true accounts, each inspired by a different mathematical equation, are both succinct and easy to read. His tales come from the spheres of sports, business, history, the arts, science, and technology. Anecdotes about famous equations, like E=mc 2, appear alongside tales of not-so-famousbut equally fascinatingequations, such as the one used to determine the SPF number for sunscreen.
Drawn from the breadth of human endeavor, Henshaw's stories demonstrate the power and utility of math. He entertains us by exploring the ways that equations can be used to explain, among other things, Ponzi schemes, the placebo effect, ""dog years,"" IQ, the wave mechanics of tsunamis, the troubled modern beekeeping industry, and the Challenger disaster. Smartly conceived and fast paced, his book offers something for anyone curious about math and its impacts.
By John M. Henshaw
Release Date:
Pages: 200
1. As the Earth Draws the Apple
2. And All the Children Are Above Average
3. The Lady with the Mystic Smile
4. The Heart Has Its Reasons
5. AC/DC
6. The Doppler Effect
7. Do I Look Fat in These Jeans?
8. Zeros and Ones
9. Tsunami
10. When the Chips Are Down
11. A Stretch of the Imagination
12. Woodstock Nation
13. What Is (Pi)?
14. No Sweat
15. Road Range
16. The Bends
17. It's Not the Heat, It's the Humidity
18. The World's Most Beautiful Equation
19. Breaking the Law
20. The Mars Curse
21. Eureka!
22. A Penny Saved...
23. If I Only Had a Brain
24. Because It Was There
25. Four Eyes
26. Bee Sting
27. Here Comes the Sun
28. A Leg to Stand On
29. Love Is a Roller Coaster
30. Loss Factor
31. A Slippery Slope
32. Transformers
33. A House of Cards
34. Let There Be Light
35. Smarty Pants
36. As Old as the Hills
37. Can You Hear Me Now?
38. Decay Heat
39. Zero, One, Infinity
40. Terminal Velocity
41. Water, Water, Everywhere
42. Dog Days
43. Body Heat
44. Red Hot
45. A Bolt from the Blue
46. Like Oil and Water
47. Fish Story
48. Making Waves
49. A Drop in the Bucket
50. Fracking Unbelievable
51. Take Two Aspirins and Call Me in the Morning
52. The World's Most Famous Equation