Public Health 2/e
Public Health 2/e
An Introduction to the Science and Practice of Population Health
ISBN: 9780826180421Now in its second edition, Public Health: An Introduction to the Science and Practice of Population Health is expanded in both scope and depth of content to better aid students who are launching their public health studies and preparing for professions in the field. This edition features a greater emphasis on the social determinants of health, health equity, prevention of disease and disability, and the practice of public health. Public Health explores both historical public health issues and contemporary public health challenges-including environmental justice, food deserts, climate change, and COVID-19-through the social ecological lens and with a life course perspective. In addition to establishing a solid knowledge base on the foundations, functions, and core values of public health, the book presents an engaging survey of the social ecological framework and of the demographic factors affecting health at different life stages. The methods of public health, including analytic approaches, systems thinking, implementation science, community engagement, and advocacy are examined, helping students understand the structural underpinnings of population health. Written by leading public health educators, and containing engaging case studies including unique Case Study Podcasts, illustrations, real-world examples, and discussion questions, every chapter analyzes systemic public health issues and the workforce roles driving and implementing public health initiatives and programs in practice. Key Features: New chapters on The Origins of Public Health and The Practice of Public Health provide increased emphasis on the functions and organization of public health and the roles of the workforce New case studies provide real-world examples of historical and contemporary public health challenges that have affected population health 15 new Case Study Podcasts highlight current public health issues and initiatives Covers the latest developments affecting population health including infectious disease, chronic disease, mental health, environmental exposures, gun violence, addiction, health policy and many more Expanded coverage of the social determinants of health and health equity COVID-19 and its effects on the public health field are explored, including health communication, public trust, and health inequities Qualified instructors have access to a full set of instructor resources, including a detailed Instructor Manual, PowerPoints, Test Bank, podcasts, and transition guides through an LMS course cartridge
By James M. Shultz, Lisa M. Sullivan, Sandro Galea
Release Date:
Pages: 450
Preface Acknowledgments Case Study Podcasts Connect(TM) Resources Abbreviations and Common Definitions SECTION I: INTRODUCTION Chapter 1. The Origins of Public Health Chapter 2. Understanding the Global Burden of Disease and Disability Chapter 3. At the Heart of Public Health: Prevention Chapter 4. At the Heart of Public Health: Social Determinants of Health and Health Equity Chapter 5. What Causes Health of Populations? A Social Ecological and Life Course Approach SECTION II: A SOCIAL ECOLOGICAL APPROACH: WHAT CAUSES HEALTH AND WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT Chapter 6. Individual Behavior Chapter 7. Families, Social Networks, Neighborhoods, and Cities Chapter 8. Countries, Policies, and Health SECTION III: ACROSS THE LIFE COURSE: WHAT CAUSES HEALTH AND WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT Chapter 9. The Perinatal Period, Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence Chapter 10. Adulthood Chapter 11. Older Age SECTION IV: THE METHODS OF PUBLIC HEALTH Chapter 12. Analytic Approaches and The Evidence-Base for Public Health Chapter 13. The Practice of Public Health Chapter 14. Community Engagement and Advocacy to Promote and Protect Health Chapter 15. Public Health in a Complex World: Systems Thinking and Implementation Science
View full detailsAuthor Bio
James M. Shultz, PhD, MS is Associate Professor, Director of P3H: Protect & Promote Population Health in Complex Crises, and Director of the Center for Disaster and Extreme Event Preparedness in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Miami, Florida. Lisa M. Sullivan, PhD, MA is the Associate Dean for Education, and former Chair and Professor of Biostatistics at the Boston University School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts. Sandro Galea, MD, MPH, DrPH is a physician, epidemiologist, and author, along with Dean and Robert A. Knox Professor at the Boston University School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts.