Forensic Social Work 2/e
Forensic Social Work 2/e
This extensively revised edition reviews the latest research and practices in forensic social work. Readers learn to integrate socio-legal knowledge when working with diverse populations in a variety of settings. Noted interdisciplinary contributors review the most common forensic issues encountered in the field to better prepare readers to deal with the resulting financial, psychological, emotional, and legal ramifications. Using a human rights and social justice approach, the book demonstrates the use of a forensic lens when working with individuals, families, organizations, and communities who struggle with social justice issues. Each chapter features objectives, competencies, Voices from the Field, a summary, exercises, and additional resources. Features: Highlights working with various populations such as minorities, immigrants, veterans, the elderly, LGBTQ persons, persons with disabilities, substance abusers, trauma survivors, and more. Reviews the field's conceptual and historical foundation and pertinent laws to better prepare readers for professional practice (Part 1). Introduces the most common forensic issues encountered when working in various settings including health care, social and protective services, the child welfare system, the criminal justice system, school systems, immigration services, addiction treatment facilities, and more (Part 2). Provides a wealth of practical guidance via case studies and interviewing, assessment, and intervention tips. Voices from the Field written by seasoned practitioners introduce common situations readers are likely to encounter. New to this Edition: Highlights the 2015 Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) Policies and Accreditation Standards throughout the text. Greatly expanded coverage from 26 to 32 chapters with more on healthcare, housing, employment, the juvenile and criminal justice system, adult protective services, and the dynamics of oppression. New Part dedicated to the skills that must be mastered by forensic social workers including evidence-based assessments and interventions, forensic interviewing, expert testimonies, case and policy advocacy, program development, and research and evaluation (Part 3). Highlights the latest interventions including trauma informed and restorative justice practices. Updated content related to the DSM-5 and healthcare reform. Reflects the latest immigration policies, criminal justice reform, the Violence Against Women Act, and the Older Americans Act. More instructor resources including sample syllabi, Power Points, interviewing, evaluation, and assessment forms and checklists. Ideal for MSW and BSW courses in forensic social work as well as forensic/legal courses taught in criminal justice and psychology, practitioners working in a variety of settings who must This extensively revised edition reviews the latest research and practices in forensic social work. Readers learn to integrate socio-legal knowledge when working with diverse populations in a variety of settings. Noted interdisciplinary contributors review the most common forensic issues encountered in the field to better prepare readers to deal with the resulting financial, psychological, emotional, and legal ramifications. Using a human rights and social justice approach, the book demonstrates the use of a forensic lens when working with individuals, families, organizations, and communities who struggle with social justice issues. Each chapter features objectives, competencies, Voices from the Field, a summary, exercises, and additional resources.
About the Author
About the Author
Table of Content
Table of Content
Part I: A Human Rights and Social Justice Approach to Forensic Practice Chapter 1: Conceptual and Historical Overview of Forensic Social Work Tina Maschi, George S. Leibowitz, Mary Lou Killian Chapter 2: Life Course Systems Power Analysis: Understanding Health and Justice Disparities for Forensic Assessment and Intervention Tina Maschi, George S. Leibowitz Chapter 3A: Human Rights: Some Implications for Social Work Rosemary Barbera Chapter 3B: Social Work and the Law: An Overview of Ethics, Social Work, & Civil and Criminal Law David McLeod Part II: Systems of Care and Forensic Practice Chapter 4: Education, Social Work and the Law Carolyn Bradley, Karen Dunn Chapter 5: Thinking Outside the Box: Tackling Health Inequities through Forensic Social Work Practice Karen Bullock, Jodi Hall, David Fitzpatrick Chapter 6: Housing Tam Perry, Vanessa Rorai, Claudia Sanford Chapter 7: Employment at the Intersection of the Juvenile Justice System Rebecca Linn-Walton Chapter 8: Families as a System in Forensic Practice Nancy Mezey, Tina Maschi, George Leibowitz Chapter 9: Family and Social Services: Meeting Basic Human Needs of Income, Food, and Shelter Anne Sparks Chapter 10: Child Welfare George Leibowitz, R. Anna Hayward-Everson, Carl Mazza Chapter 11: Domestic Violence Joan Pennell Chapter 12: Substance Use & Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders Treatment: Systemsand Issues for Those in Jail, Prison, and on Parole Keith Morgen, Kelsey Denison-Vesel, Abigail Voelkner,Carolyn Brouard, Jaclyn Smith, Alissa Nowak Chapter 13: Critical Issues, Trends, and Interventions in Juvenile Justice Wesley Church, George S. Leibowitz, Tina Maschi Chapter 14: The Criminal Justice System: A History of Mass Incarceration withImplications for Forensic Social Work Kirk James Chapter 15: Adult Protective Services at the Intersection of Aging and Disability Joy Swanson Ernst, Patricia Brownell, Tina Maschi Chapter 16: Justice Involved Veterans: Programs and Services Kelli Canada, Clark Peters, Danielle Easter Chapter 17: The Immigrant Justice System Carol Cleaveland Chapter 18: Intersectoral Collaboration: Mental Health, Substance Abuse andHomelessness Among Vulnerable Populations David Fitzpatrick, Jodi Hall, Karen Bullock Part III: Core Skills, Practice Research & Evaluation, Policy & Advocacy Chapter 19: Empirically Informed Forensic Social Work Practice Melissa Grady, Jill Levenson, David Prescott Chapter 20: Motivational Interviewing David Prescott, George S. Leibowitz Chapter 21: Forensic Interviewing Susan Robbins Chapter 22: Expert Witness Testimony in Forensic Practice and Justice Systems Shreya Mandal Chapter 23: Restorative Justice and Community Well Being: Visualizing Theories, Practices, and Research - Part 1 Johannes Wheeldon Katherine van Wormer Chapter 25: Empowerment and Feminist Practice with Forensic Populations Sandra Turner Chapter 26: Family Engagement and Social Work in Statutory Settings Gale Burford Chapter 27: Collaboration and Care Coordination Ida Dickie, Tina Maschi Chapter 28: Human Rights Issues and Research with Prisoners and Other VulnerablePopulations: Where Does Evidence-Based Practice Go From Here? Sandy Gibson Chapter 29: Forensic Research and Evaluation: Program and Policy Interventions thatPromote Human Rights and Social Justice Tina Maschi, George S. Leibowitz, Joanne Rees Chapter 30: Case Level and Policy Advocacy Eileen Klein Chapter 31: Victim Advocacy Marie Mele Chapter 32: Family Televisiting: An Innovative Psychologist-Directed Program toIncrease Resilience & Reduce Trauma Among Children with IncarceratedParents Frank Corigliano
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