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Evidence-Based Applied Sport Psychology

Evidence-Based Applied Sport Psychology


Regular price $153.11 AUD
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Sports psychology is a rapidly growing field, with numerous societies, conferences, journals and practitioners. The breadth and quality of scientific research in this field has grown considerably in the past decade, with sophisticated fMRI, EEG, and psychophysiological measures now complementing traditional interventions. How to integrate the voluminous amount of research into day-to-day practice still remains a challenge for most practitioners. Roland A. Carlstedt now sets forth the only book that collects this vast amount of research for the practitioner, educator, and student. Carlstedt presents cutting-edge assessment methods, intervention procedures, and research that are critical for use in evidence-based practice. Practitioners will learn how to work within Carlstedt's integrative model to improve athlete performance and contribute to the advancement of evidence-based applied sport psychology.

About the Author

Table of Content

Section I: Athlete Assessment: The Athlete's Profile of Key Mind-Body Measures; 1. Assessment of Primary Higher Order Psychological Factors that Influence Performance; 2. Psychophysiological and Behavior-Based Stress Testing; 3. Brain Functioning: Neurocognitive Testing and Brain Mapping; Section II: On-The-Playing Field Athlete Assessment of Psychophysiological Processes; 4. Monitoring and Assessment of Heart Rate Variability Before and After Competition; 5. Monitoring and Assessment of Heat Rate Variability During Competition; 6. Assessment of Brain Responses During Performance Using Wireless EEG; Section III: Assessment of Psychological Performance: Objective Performance of Outcome Measures; 7. Critical Moment Analysis; 8. Technical and Focus Threshold Analysis: Analyzing Mind-Body-Motor Control During Practice and Competition; Section IV: Athlete Intervention; 9. An Evidence-Based and Field Tested Athlete Assessment and Intervention Protocol; 10. Psychophysiological Methods: Biofeedback and Neurofeedback; 11. Cognitive and Imagery-based Methods; 12. Technical and Focus Training: Using Motor Principles to Consolidate Technique and Enhance Motor Control; Section V: Efficacy Testing, Documentation, Analysis, and Practice Issues; 13. Outcome and Efficacy Testing: Documenting and Analysis of the Effects of Mental Training.

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