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40-Day Journey with Gerard Manley Hopkins

40-Day Journey with Gerard Manley Hopkins


Regular price $23.19 AUD
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Drawing from the poetry and journal of Gerard Manley Hopkins, who is considered a major 19th century English poet, editor Francis X. McAloon, S.J. draws us into Hopkins' intense joy in and sacramental view of nature as a manifestation of the beauty of the divine in the natural world. Includes a short introduction to Hopkins' life and work, questions to draw the reader into Hopkins' spiritual world, journaling suggestions and daily prayers. This 40-day journey is an invitation to personal meditation and/or group discussion. An inspiring journey to take at any time, especially through the seasons of Advent and Lent.

Francis X. McAloon, S.J is Assistant Professor of Christian Spirituality at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, California and a member of the faculty of the Graduate Theological Union. He is the author of The Language of Poetry as a Form of Prayer: The Theo-Poetic Aesthetics of Gerard Manley Hopkins and the forthcoming, Touch Me Afresh: Transforming Prayer through the Poetry of G.M. Hopkins.

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