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40-Day Journey with Julian of Norwich

40-Day Journey with Julian of Norwich


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The volumes in the 40-Day Journeyseries invite readers to take a spiritualjourney with a great spiritual guidefrom the past or the present. In thisvolume, readers will be inspired byJulian, a celebrated English mysticfrom the fourteenth century anda recluse at St. Julian's Church inNorwich, whose writings were the firstworks in English known to be writtenby a woman. Drawing from her published writings,editor Lisa Dahill here selects fortyinspiring passages from Julian'swork that help illustrate God's loveand compassion for all. A medievalCatholic, Julian was seen as aprecursor to Martin Luther and otherReformation writers. Much of whatshe wrote speaks of the most profoundmysteries of the Christian faith, andher Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love(circa 1393) is considered to be oneof the most remarkable documentsof medieval religious experience. Init she speaks of the great love of Godfor God's people and how sin standsin the way. It is Jesus, however, whoassures her, "that all would be well,and all manner of things would bewell." 40-Day Journey with Julian of Norwichbegins with a short introduction tothe life of Julian and then offers fortychapters, each of which includes areading from her writings, relatedScripture passages, questions toponder, journal-reflection exercises,and a prayer. The book also includeshelps on how to use the book andhints on keeping a journal along withideas for further reading. Each chapterin the book includes space for notes.

Lisa E. Dahill is Assistant Professor of Worship and Christian Spirituality at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio.

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