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The Laughing Guide to a Better Life

The Laughing Guide to a Better Life

Using Humor and Science to Improve Yourself, Your Relationships, and Your Surroundings

ISBN: 9781475846379
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The motto of this book is smarter through laughter. If you can laugh about it, you can probably change it. The authors use a heavy dose of humor (the laughing side), and a healthy measure of science (the learning side) to help you improve yourself, your relationships, and your surroundings. The book introduces the "I CAN model," which stands for Interactions, Context, Awareness, and Next steps. Interactions are powerful determinants of health and happiness. There are two skills that can make our interactions healthier: the ability to connect and the capacity to communicate. Context is also a powerful but often neglected driver of change. The contexts of our lives consist of people, places, and things. To leverage context to our advantage we need to master the art of reading cues and changing cues in the environment. Awareness is the next driver of change. Regardless of where you are in the process of change, there is always a next step to strengthen your change, maintain your gains, and keep thriving. To do that, you need to make a plan, and you need to make it stick. The book will teach you how to use these drivers of change to flourish and thrive.

By Isaac Prilleltensky, Ora Prilleltensky


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Pages: 118

Preface Acknowledgements Chapter 1: Ease into a Better Life The Learning Side I CAN model The Laughing Side United in Judgment Parental Fitness Taming Temptations Planning Interruptus Chapter 2: Mastering Awareness to Improve Yourself The Learning Side Know Yourself Know the Issue The Laughing Side Patriotism The Chutzpah Diaries Pet Friendly Florida Low Expectations Informed Indecisions Meat Eaters Suddenly Go Vegetarian Chapter 3- Mastering Interactions to Improve Your Relationships The Learning Side Connect Communicate The Laughing Side Empathy and Chutzpah Evolution of Thank You InTRUMPetation of Historical Events Chapter 4- Mastering Cues To Improve Your Surroundings The Learning Side Read the Cues Change the Cues The Laughing Side The Meaning of Sexy Context is Everything How to Fix Education Chapter 5- Mastering a Plan to Make It Stick The Learning Side Make a Plan Make it Stick The Laughing Side Cliches Clutter Notes About the Authors

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